プライバシーポリシーPrivacy policy
- 記 -
(2)当社が取得する個人情報は、お客様の氏名、年齢、性別、電話番号、住所、メールアドレス、その他コースにより当社が旅行を手配するうえで必要となる最小限の範囲のお客様の個人情報とします。上記以外の個人情報の取得をさせていただくことがありますが、これは当社が手配等をするうえで必要な範囲内とします。 (3)当社が本項(2)の個人情報を取得することについてお客様の同意を得られない場合は、当社は、旅行契約の締結に応じられないことがあります。また同意を得られないことにより、お客様のご希望される手配等が行えない場合があります。
オンライントラベル株式会社・ホームページのオンライン予約サービスでは、SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)というシステムにより個人情報を保護しております。インターネットを使用して送受信される情報は、盗聴や情報の改ざん、成りすまし等の危険があります。しかし、SSLを使用するとこれらの脅威から守って、安全に情報を送受信することができます。
当ホームページの利用は、お客様の責任において自主的に行われるものとします。 当ホームページ及び当ホームページにリンクが設定されている他のホームページから取得された各種情報の利用によって生じたあらゆる損害に関して、オンライントラベル株式会社は一切の責任を負いません。
当ホームページはオンライントラベル株式会社の管理下にあります。 当ホームページは法律の異なる全世界の国々からアクセスすることが可能ですが、当ホームページにアクセスされたお客様およびオンライントラベル株式会社の両者は、かかる法律原理の違いに関わらず、当ホームページの利用に関して日本国の法律に拘束されることに同意するものとします。
(1) The Company will use personal information obtained through user registration for communication with tour planning or operating companies and with automobile transportation business operators. The Company will also use this information in relation to the tour and motor bus applied for by a customer, but will only so within the scope necessary for arranging services to be provided by partner companies and for receiving those services.
*Besides the foregoing, the Company may use personal information of a customer to: (i) introduce commodities, services or campaigns of a company partnering with the Company; (ii) ask for provision of opinions and impressions after participating in the tour; (iii) request to fill in a questionnaire; (iv) offer privilege services; and (v) produce statistical data.
(2) Personal information to be acquired by the Company shall be limited to the name, age, sex, phone number, address, e-mail address and depending on the course, any other personal information of a customer to the minimum extent necessary for the Company to arrange a tour. The Company, in some cases, acquires personal information other than the foregoing, however, but will only do so within the scope necessary for the Company to make an arrangement.
(3) If the Company cannot obtain consent of a customer to an acquisition of personal information in (2) of this paragraph, the Company reserves the right to abstain from concluding a travel contract. Furthermore, due to the absence of consent, the Company may refuse to accommodate an arrangement in accordance with the wishes of the customer.
(4) The Company will, to arrange the tour and motor bus applied for by a customer, provide in advance the transportation facility, etc. with the name, age, sex, phone number and any other information within the scope necessary for the arrangement by sending it through electronic means, etc.
(5) Should any problem including leakage of personal information held by the Company occur, the Company will immediately contact the customer and temporarily halt the system where the problem occurs until security is ensured. In addition, the Company will promptly disclose any relevant facts to the public on its website, etc.
Online Travel Corp. may revise the foregoing policy. In such cases, all revisions will be notified on its website.
Use of Cookies
A cookie refers to a mechanism through which data is temporarily stored in a website visitor’s computer by their web browser.
The Site uses cookies to increase the convenience and efficiency of its customers’ user experience, and will not use cookies for any other purpose. Information that can identify an individual such as name and phone number are never included in the contents of a cookie.
In addition, the Site utilizes, to deliver suitable advertising to its customers, behavioral targeting advertising and retargeting advertising using cookies provided by third-party companies. If you do not wish to be exposed to such advertising, you can disable it by performing an opt-out for each service from the “List of Advertising Delivery Services”.
* What is meant by behavioral targeting advertising: A mechanism that delivers advertising appropriate to a user based on information (behavioral history) which does not identify a specific individual, such as retrieval history and browsing history.
* What is meant by retargeting advertising: A mechanism that tracks a user who has visited a website of an advertiser and displays advertising of the same advertiser on an ad spot of another site.
Use of Web Beacons
The Site sometimes makes use of web beacons to collect usage statistics such as the the number of users who have accessed the Online Travel Corp. website; however, in no event will the Site obtain information which can identify an individual, such as the name, address, phone number and e-mail address of a customer.
The Site sometimes uses web beacons embedded in HTML email (email containing images) sent by Online Travel Corp. to collect statistical information on whether email was opened or not; however, under no circumstances will the Site obtain information which can identify an individual.
A Secure Communication Channel
The Online reservation functionality of the Online Travel Corp. website protects personal information by a system called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Information being received and sent over the Internet is exposed to such risks as eavesdropping, falsification of information or identity fraud. Using SSL, however, protects information against such threats, and enables a safe means of sending and receiving of information.
SL protects communication between a customer and the Company’s server by employing digitally signed certificates to establish an encrypted communication channel, allowing personal information to be kept private. All this information, including personal information such as name and credit number is protected in this manner as well as any information received by the customer.
The customer shall assume personal responsibility for usage of the website. Online Travel Corp. shall assume no responsibility for any damage caused by use of information obtained from the Website or any other website linked to the Website.
Governing Law
The Website is under the control of Online Travel Corp. While the Website is accessible from many different countries around the world, each with their own particular set of laws; a customer who accesses the Website agrees with Online Travel Corp. that, notwithstanding any difference of legal principles, both shall be governed by the laws of Japan with respect to the use of the Website. The parties shall also consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Osaka District Court in the first instance, should the need of a suit arise.
Furthermore, Online Travel Corp. shall make no description or indication on the Website as to whether the content of the Website is appropriate for the environment of the customer. Access to the Website shall be performed of a customer’s own free will, and the customer shall bear all responsibility for using the Website.